If you do not wish to register a credit card you can enter your email to find your ID number. Then proceed to the Silent Auction Bidding tab to start bidding

Verification Successful
Bidder ID:
First, we will have you set a password for your Bid Partner Account. You will then be able to register your credit card for the event.
Password | |
Confirm Password |

Credit Card Registration for: (ID #: )
Card Number |
Accepted: Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover, Diners Club, and JCB
CVC | |
Expiration (MM/YYYY) | / |

Unfortunately, there was an error.
Your credit card has been successfully pre-registered for the event!
Name:Bidder ID:
CC Brand:
CC Last 4:
The Bidder ID you see here will be the same one you will use for bidding. If you wish, you may record it for use during the fundraiser, otherwise you can be reminded there. For enhanced security and to protect your privacy, it is always best to close your browser after submitting secure information.
Thank you for registering for the fundraiser. You can proceed to the remainder of the registration site, or you can logout.