Current Sponsors are from 2024
White = $500
- Table for event (seating and meal for 8)
- Company Logo on table
- Verbal recognition at event
- Recognition in program
- Recognition on ticket website
Red = $1000
- Table for event (seating and meal for 8)
- Company Logo on table
- 8 additional drink tickets
- Verbal recognition at event
- Recognition and logo in program
- Recognition and logo on ticket website
- Marketing opportunity (swag at tables or in bidding envelopes such as a pen, a flyer, a small giveaway, etc – sponsor and committee to agree upon the details of the marketing opportunity)
Royal = $2000
- Table for event (seating and meal for 8)
- Company Logo on table
- 16 additional drink tickets
- Verbal recognition at event
- Recognition and logo in program
- Recognition and logo on ticket website
- Marketing opportunity (swag at tables or in bidding envelopes such as a pen, a flyer, a small giveaway, etc. – sponsor and committee to agree upon the detail of the marketing opportunity)
- Naming rights and banner recognition for Champagne Reception or Dessert Bar
Thank you for supporting Watertown Mayer athletics and activities!