Event Management:
Our secure online event management application allows you to easily add and change the data associated with the event. Bid Partner can set specific user access for different users of the system, and allow for multiple users to make changes simultaneously. Real-time reports are always at your fingertips, so it’s easy to be successful!
Functions Include:
- Data Entry – Management of Categories, Items, Donors, and Guests is simple and easy to learn
- Images – Allows users to upload, edit and publish item images for bidding so items look great
- Registration & Check-In – Credit card scanning, add and edit user information and reporting
- Auction Entry – Automatic data entry for donations, purchases (tickets, games, raffles); Live bids are entered real-time
- Auction Control – Send messages, remove bids, close partial or whole auction, pause auction, reset bids
- Check-Out & Payments – Payment terminal, invoice emailing, item pick-up reporting all available
- Reports – Auction Status, Item Sheets, Invoices, Guest and Ticket Reports available to make your job easier

The ‘Items: Edit’ screen makes entering and organizing auction items easy! Many setting options are available to help achieve your desired results.

Bid Partners makes it easy for users to upload, edit and publish items so they look great for bidders!